Maximize your ROI with Benji's affordable services for small business owners who want to establish and grow your digital presence.
Say "Bye bye" to DIY
🦆 Don't Do it Yourself
Call Benji Does for your marketing needs.
🌐 Digital Presence Evolution Plan
Grow into your desired level of marketing service with Benji's Evolution Plan.
🎨 Creative Digital Marketing
Get shit-hot messaging and creative design that captures the attention of your audience on their phones.
📊 Data-Driven Marketing Solutions
Track your success, understand your numbers, and get results with Benji's data-driven marketing solutions.
💻 Professional Quality Design
Win hearts and minds with creative materials that impress.
💪 Confidence
Boost your confidence, make sales easier, and watch your business grow with Benji's services.
📞 Schedule a Call
Don't wait any longer, schedule a call with Benji today and get your website done right the first time.
Client Reviews
Alan B.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Chris Benjamin (Benji) is a superb communicator who has a flare for making a business stand out from the crowd. His knack for crafting meaningful marketing messages is uncanny! You can't go wrong with Benji Does!
Carol S.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Clear and sincere communication is what i have grown to expect from Chris; whether it is email or website construction or some another modality. He has a good artistic eye. I recommend him.
Richard M.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Chris is excellent at what he does. He takes the time to understand you, your business, and your vision so that he can help you take your marketing to a higher level and experience the growth and satisfaction that you're seeking in your business.
Are you all of these things online?
✔ Trustworthy
✔ Relevant
✔ Authoritative
✔ Communicative
✔ Accurate
✔ Interesting
✔ Entertaining
✔ Unique
That's it. There it is. That's all you need... you're welcome.
Sure, you can read up on marketing and design, but how do you turn that knowledge into a knockout brand? Are you ready to take on the competition or do you wanna get your butt kicked? That's why you need a marketing partner like me, who not only has the knowledge, but also the skills to execute a winning strategy.
Stick with me and I'll show you how to grow and support your brand online and in real life, without breaking the bank. Plus, you'll get some badass creative deliverables that you can proudly show off to your team. Let's do this!
Multimedia Design is Design Literacy
Looks like a duck. Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck.
Everywhere. All the time.

I use a blend of multimedia to craft compelling narratives that showcase your brand, sell your products, share your ideas and information, and entertain and engage your audience both online and offline. I help you achieve a consistent and unified voice across all platforms, ensuring a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience.
I use these skills:
Graphic Design
Video Editing
Video Production
Vector Illustration
Traditional Illustration
Traditional Animation
3D Animation
To make these:
Social Media Posts
Print Advertising
Digital Display Ads
Landing Pages
Live Streams
Collateral Materials
Trade Shows

Are You Measuring Your Success?
"Ya gotta break eggs to make omelets."
To make the most of your marketing efforts, it's important to track and analyze your results. Think about how many eggs you're cracking, who's eating them, and how much is left over. By doing this, you can refine your strategy and get better results with less effort.
Modern marketing relies heavily on budgets and metrics such as quality scores, engagement, and ROI. To succeed online, you need to understand these numbers and what they mean for your business. That's where I come in - I help you plan for future success by analyzing your data and providing actionable insights.
My flexible and affordable service plans are designed to work for small business owners at any stage of their marketing journey. Whether you're just getting started with organic digital marketing or looking to invest in digital advertising, Benji Does has got you covered.
Can I edit my own website?FREEDOM!!!!1!! Right? I mean, you can if you want to but PLEASE defer to us if you are an active Evolution Plan subscriber, we'll ensure your site is published correctly. Feel free to edit your site from almost any desktop computer with a modern browser as much as you want, screw it up... it's your site. Our builder is easy to use, super well known, and you get unlimited support, and if ya do decide to let your cat walk across your keyboard, we can even ROLL IT BACK! We, can't fix everything tho so keep the cat off your lap while you're working please. We can send you tutorial videos or host a video call to help you learn hands-on, we'll share everything we know about adjusting your own site.
Do you build websites with WordPress?Nope. Evolution Plan websites are built with a popular and secure development platform, I'm just super duper good at it. Sign up today and I will tell you all about it at our next meeting.
Do we own our website?HECK YES! When you choose to end your Evolution Plan, we'll give you the working files and access to whatever we built for you.
Will I be locked into a contract?No. Benji's service plans are all designed to be affordable, you don't need a contract to work with me. Plans are paid monthly, quarterly, and annually on a monthly agreement. Cancel any time, keep everything.
What is your hourly rate?My hourly rate is $125.00 per hour. Spooky? It's supposed to be, stay on my good side or pony up, if you have enough energy to bother me with annoying requests, then I assume that you must also have some deep pockets. No sneaky billing. I will notify you if the Terms of Service change.
Can I get a discount if I pay annually?Yes! The Evolution Plan is priced at a discounted rate, you can choose to pay monthly, quarterly, or annual (paid monthly with an agreement). Select your level of investment! Benji offers you an affordable plan that you can end, pause, or even cancel whenever you want to. Please read our Terms of Service for further clarification regarding early termination for quarterly or annual rates.
What does "Unlimited Support" mean?"I want you to be happy with my designs, so I will work on revisions until they satisfy your needs but not at the detriment to my other clients or my personal life. I'm here for you but not as your emergency designer, mutual respect and a professional attitude go far with me. Evolution Plan subscribers need only schedule one-on-one calls with Benji for projects and website support. I'm a person and I appreciate your business but I will let you know if you are abusing the "Unlimited" nature of our business relationship.
Will I own my logo?Yes. Whatever we make together, no matter it's final state... if ya paid, then it's yours. When you hire Benji Does to build your logo for you it becomes your property after your final payment is processed. Please read the terms, I will use what we make for self-promotion if it's super cool.
How many logos do you design?You get one logo at a time. Designing logos is a revisionary, iterative process but it is the process I utilize to create the product. Clients will not have control over my process. I have been known to indulge clients with an over the shoulder session to reach an end product. These clients are like-minded, results driven, generous, gracious, and return swift approvals. If you're just window shopping and creating extra work for me I will become demoralized and I may reconsider our professional relationship.
How long does it take to make a logo?As long as it has to, man. We can do this two ways; 1) $$$$ We discuss the value you desire for your logo and whether or not your business can realistically afford to drive that kinda car around in your industry or 2) $ We sign ya up for Benji's Evolution Plan and your logo project will join the Creative Queue where we'll pass revisions and adjustments back and forth until you're happy. Both options are a solid win for us and in both options you're getting me.
What do you mean by "logo rejuvenation"?"It's very likely that you've got a stretched and compressed JPEG of your logo with the wrong colors tucked into a PDF created by your designer friend with an unlicensed copy of Microsoft Word 98. That's fine. I will fix it so that it's new and pretty. I'm a generous designer. ❤ Tell yo frens.
What happens when I don't like the logo you design?You'll love your logo, we go through my process together to make sure it looks correct every step of the way. If you honestly feel like you hate the logo when I deliver it to you, and believe that I have maliciously wasted your time and money, then you may have a personality disorder. "Style it up, kid! C'mon, make the art already." I mean that genuinely, my design process is built for professional adults. Utilizing clear and timely communications we'll set reachable milestones for future iterations of your logo. Deliverables will be servicable and accessible for your intended application unless otherwise requested. Ignorance of my craft is not my responsibility, however, I will extend ernest effort to help out without becoming your design emergency doormat.